After yet another successful Swapsies- Mass Clothing Exchange in December 2011, we have decided to add another event to the calender just for the little ones! Swapsies- For kids under 12!... Children will be able to swap toys, books and clothing and up to 10 items from each category. The event is to be held on Saturday the 24th of March, Starting at 10am with drop offs and screening. At 11am there will be a magic show with Rhys Davies, and then at 12pm the children will be able to hunt for items to take home in exchange for the ones they brought in. Swapsies for Kids is designed to encourage children to recycle their unwanted or outgrown belongings in the form of an exchange. It will also connect the kids to the benefits of recycling, first hand, by seeing someone from their own local community enjoying a new toy, book or item of clothing, that they may have previously owned, without having to pay for it!
So now is the time to start finding some unwanted or outgrown books, toys and clothing to swap, and add this date to your calenders!